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Pumpkin cultivation techniques

The article source: 未知    The author:未知   The release date:2014-11-06
1, sowing time, 
A wide variety of pumpkin, sowing seeds, what time should be according to the geographical differences and varieties of ripe and calm, warm to appropriate sowing in mid to late February, the delay. 
2, cooling bed seedling 
Seedbed should choose dry terrain, shelter a sunny place. 
3, live, 
According to the row spacing of 1.2 m, planting distance 55 to 60 cm, each hole lost 3 ~ 4, water flooding in socket, and then planting cover fine soil fertilizer 3 cm thick or thin slag. 
4, seed treatment 
Seed bask in 1 ~ 2 days first, promote seed germination, seed vigor, remove seeds flat lopsided seeds, with 55 ℃ warm water hot kind of 5 ~ 10 minutes, through continuous stirring, to lower water temperature, to remove floating on the surface of the seeds, make each grain seed, can improve the germination rate, again with clear water soaked with 1 ~ 2 hours, after being seed absorb sufficient moisture, drain water will seeds, to sow, general pumpkin seed coat thin, by seed soaking, emergence soon, no longer for sprouting. 
(2) the field management 
1, water supply and hoe weeding 
Pumpkin root developed, particularly strong absorbing ability of soil water and nutrient, its growth potential is strong again, therefore, must according to the pumpkin growth stages have wrinkles, skin thin, close to the skin growth rule, fineness, miao potential weak soil and climate condition of fertilization and watering. 
Before and after fertilization, must be combined with the row weeding, promote he stretch, in a row at the same time, still must often take ditch ditch, do light rain no water, moderate rain water, not heavy rain flooded. Generally, the pumpkin without irrigation. 
2, YaMan and training 
Timely YaMan can make he around evenly extend along the direction, promote ventilation pervious to light, enhance photosynthesis, prevent the wind blowing a mess, envoys tendrils stretch people between underground at the same time, to grow new root assists in main stem absorb nutrients and moisture, can meet the needs of the whole plant flowering results, when there are about 60 cm length, from next to shovel gently pressure at the top of the section asked the above 12 ~ 15 cm, pressure for the second time interval of 4 ~ 5 day, following this YaMan 3 ~ 4 times. 
Pumpkin with tendrils and Lord tendril 10 ~ 15 day beginning born female flowers, followed by several leaves regeneration of female flowers, sometimes due to the branches and leaves, tends to cause the melon, therefore, in this leaves in 5 ~ 6, to carry on the removable roof, promote collateral, collateral female flowers appear in 2 ~ 6 internode, more often than Lord tendril knot early. Pick the top after, according to the effective interval, leaving 3 ~ 5 collateral can, collateral on general leave 1 ~ 2, all the rest of the vice collateral to pick. 
3, artificial pollination, 
Pumpkin for male and female cross-pollination plants, pollen rely on insect vectors, pollination fertilization results, in case of bad weather, the humidity is big, the temperature is low, less light, insect activity is restricted, fertilization of the female flowers and fall off. By using artificial supplementary pollination, can prevent the fallen petal, improve fruit-set rate, choose sunny morning 8 when completed. 
(3) the prevention and control of plant diseases and insect pests' 
Pumpkin disease mainly include anthracnose, powdery mildew, downy mildew, etc. The occurrence of these diseases, often can affect the pumpkin, causing premature aging of the reduction, and lower quality. The control method is: 
L, strengthening the field management, training in time, YaMan, improve ventilation pervious to light conditions, reduce the incidence of a disease, seriously do in case is given priority to, prevention and control combined with the policy of taking regular check early prevention, found center strain as soon as possible to eliminate and control the spread of avoiding harm. 
2, control, early onset, immediately spraying, spraying evenly, when agents can use any of the following: TMTD 500 ~ 600 times liquid, and 300 times the wettability of sulfur suspension, mildothane '700 ~ 800 times liquid, etc. 
Pumpkin main pests food of plant roots, stems, leaves and tender tip, the pest ChengFa period, harm serious can make the field a lot of lack of seedlings, make plant premature aging, rigidity of fruit and they are black cutworm, aphids, melon, etc. Any of the following should be taken: between 1000 times liquid, and dimethoate 1000 times liquid. 
(4) collecting 
With tender melon harvested early pumpkin, generally in female flowers x 7 ~ 9 days after harvest, in this way, not only can increase the rate of knot melon, melon and fresh, good quality. 
Old ripe fruit to eat pumpkin, according to the maturity of the melon to determine the harvest period. 
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