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Melon melon season words

The article source: 未知    The author:未知   The release date:2014-11-06
"Melon", as the name implies, is famous for its fruit is sweet. Yuan? Acla) in the "agricultural book" praise melon, "the meat and flesh, GanSheng molasses." Li shizhen in the "compendium of materia medica" cloud: "melon is sweet to the melon, scored as" sweet, than any other country in the melon melon does with its sweet, some sugar cultivars pulp can reach more than 20%, sugar content thick skin melon slices can be more than 60% sugar content after drying. , according to the determination of ordinary melon fruit dry matter content was 6 ~ 18.5%, which contained 4.6 15.8% of total sugar, vitamin c and fresh weight per 100 g ~ 39.1 mg, fruit acid, 0.054% ~ 0.128%, 0.8 4.5% of pectin, cellulose and hemicellulose 2.6 ~ 6.7%. 
Muskmelon mainly mature fruit fresh fruit consumption, appearance beautiful, rich smell, is the summer summer fruits in the high-end products. In addition, the thick skin melon also could be used in the processing of the melon juice drinks, fermented wine, dry GuaGan; Thin skin melon can also be processed into pickled or sauce stains. 
The motherland medicine thinks, melon pulp sex cold, taste sweet, have a thirst to urinate, except vexed heat, etc. Melon medicine multi-purpose melon and seed kernels. When muskmelon base medicinal clove. Should be dried melon seeds, medicinal, mash, to oil. 

A. Melo's long history 
Of melon cultivation from China, there have been many literatures and physical research, has a long history. According to the historical judgment, the earliest cultivated melon is thin skin melon, thick skin melon cultivation history of late. The word "melon" as early as in July to the eighth century b.c. The book of songs. According to "the book of songs, jedaiah? The people's livelihood" article, long rao era, after the millet agriculture official (at the) (now shaanxi province wu gong county) in the land of Tai "leisure farm", is "the flourishing of descendants of mist of hemp wheat Feng Feng". The book of songs and cloud: "eat the melon July or first of August, broken pot," "he has a room, I've have melon", "the flourishing of descendants of continuous, born of the people". That the melon is needed for the livelihood of the people at the time. The fields full of melon, grow thickly, fruitful. 
The ancient egyptians see melon as heaven berries, cult. In ancient China, also on the day of the melon fruit, myths and legends troubled western zhou dynasty when jose day 8 west tour, passing the melon state (now anxi county, gansu province) when he fell down, and the seed fell from the sky to the ground, from now on earth there is a melon. Feed each melon jianxin, will start with ancestor worship, the rites? Jade algae "melon offerings on the ring". Kong Yingda explained that "the melon offerings, eat the melon in the first". 
Cultural sites in 4 000 years ago (Wu Xing Qian Shan overflow) discovered the melon seeds. 2, 500 years ago JiXiang male age also have eat the melon relieving records, and in 1972, from changsha mawangdui 1 (2 200) according to the present writing unearthed a woman's stomach, take out 138 grains of half a melon seeds. Suburb of xi 'an in shaanxi province in 1958 also found in the wild thin-skinned melon. Later discovered in xinjiang have many similar, these are for melon cultivation history of China provides the empirical. Visible melon (thin skin melon) in the cultivation of Chinese history, there are about 3 ~ 4 000 to 000, according to the thin skin melon cultivation history and wild species found in China as well as the type and the evolution of flower sex relationship, China is likely to be thin skin melon origin. Thick skin melon cultivation history of late some, began about in the spring and autumn period (770-476 BC). Xinjiang in 1959, archaeologists in the jin dynasty (A.D. 265-265), northern and southern dynasties (420-420) and the ancient tomb of the tang dynasty (AD 816 907), has unearthed thick skin melon seeds and dried fruit. Then in shanshan (1961) and turpan (1981) found in the wild thick skin melon. These suggested that thick skin melon cultivation has a long history in China. 
The spread of muskmelon in China, according to historical records, thin skin melon are widely distributed, today, liaoning, anhui, shandong, henan, shaanxi, sichuan, hunan, fujian and other places have thin skin melon is the main origin. Also found wild in some places, may be thin skin melon in the origin center of China, and thus spread outward. 
The spread of thick skin melon, many historical data confirmed undoubtedly comes from the northwest of gansu and xinjiang. Most people think that is the Chinese origin of thick skin melon in xinjiang, and then spread outward. Pan Xiaofang textual research, however, think that the spread of melon in xinjiang, there is no doubt that is the earliest dunhuang. 

2. Melon cultivation of facilities 
Facility culture mainly refers to the greenhouse and greenhouse cultivation. Greenhouses, greenhouse facilities could be divided into two types: PengShi glass greenhouse and plastic, plastic PengShi have large, medium and small tunnel and sunlight greenhouse. Glass greenhouse application began in the late 18th century, the application of glass greenhouse is the earliest country in the world have the greenhouse (London), the Netherlands and China (Beijing) greenhouse, etc. The Netherlands is the greenhouse horticulture is the most developed country in the world, the glass greenhouse area of about a quarter of the total area of the glass greenhouse. Japan, with the development of the plastics industry and the enhancement of economic strength, the small tunnel, greenhouses, the common greenhouse, such as automatic modern greenhouse gardening facilities development, vegetables, watermelon, melon, flowers and other crops production facility cultivation of more than 70% in the 1970 s, is the most developed countries have facilities melon production. In modern greenhouse cultivation, high economic value of muskmelon landslide, greenhouse soilless cultivation melon has developed tens of thousands of hectares in shizuoka county. Climate conditions in most regions of Japan and China's coastal areas of east China, north China, crop growth season there were obvious during the rainy season, the successful experience of the development of horticultural facilities in north China, east China and South Korea have certain reference and the positive influence. Now, the use of different ripe varieties and different types of cultural facilities, can already melon production areas in the north basically achieve the anniversary production, supply effective recovery from the past 1 ~ 2 months to nearly 10 months. 

3. Melon nutritional value: 
1. The melon contains large amounts of carbohydrates and citric acid, and water is abundant, can oneself summer heat, quench thirst, except vexed; 
2. The melon the invertase insoluble protein can be transformed into soluble protein, helps people absorb nutrients kidney disease; 
3. Gourd of muskmelon base element B to protect liver, ease chronic liver injury; 
4. Modern research has found that melon seed flooding kill worm, with silk worm, and so on; 
5. Melon rich nutrition, can the human body needs energy and nutrients. 
Melo's nutritional value, applicable people: 
1. The summer heat of the thirsty, nose and mouth sores, heatstroke is especially suitable for consumption; 
2. The bleeding and virtual body, spleen and stomach cold, abdominal distension, loose stools diet. 
Melon is unfavorable and, river crab, cake to eat. 
Applied to constipation: 500 g fresh melons, every day in the morning and 1 times. 
Melo's nutrition value, edible effect: 
Melon flavor, cold, non-toxic, reduction, the stomach; Have soared, except vexed enfold, diuresis effect; Used in the heat caused by XiongGe full stuffy not comfortable, loss of appetite, vexed hot thirsty, hot junction bladder, urination, etc. 

4. Melon has a good health care function: 
(1) clear heat. Solution of polydipsia melon contains large amounts of carbohydrates and citric acid, carotene and vitamin B; , C, etc., and water is abundant, but the summer heat, thirst thirst, except vexed, etc. 
(2) help kidney people absorb nutrients Invertase is contained in melon, insoluble protein can be transformed into soluble protein, can help kidney patients absorb nutrition, is good for kidney disease. 
(3) to protect the liver Muskmelon base containing block B, which can obviously increase the accumulation of experimental glycogen yuan, relieve chronic liver damage, so as to prevent hepatocyte fatty degeneration and restrain fiber hyperplasia. 
(4) vomiting muskmelon base containing bitter toxins, block B, E and other crystalline bitter, can stimulate the gastric mucosa, right amount take orally, can cause vomiting, but not for your body to absorb, and no collapse and disadvantages such as poisoning. 
(5) modern research has found that melon seed has the effect such as flooding kill worm, silk worm, worm can be widely used in the treatment of disease. 
(6) compensatory nutrition Melon cooked meat contains protein, fat, carbohydrates, inorganic salts, etc., can complement the human body needs energy and nutrients, and help the body back to health. 


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